Monday, July 21, 2008

Heather Thomas is (HOT) an Idiot

While browsing I came across an interesting article (Check out the entire article here: Heather Thomas -- U.S.A. Is Fall Guy for 9/11)

In short Heather Thomas thinks that the attacks of 9/11 were staged by the oil companies and that the Pentagon was bombed and not hit by a plane. Oh, and the best one...Osama Bin Laden works for the U.S. Now I am the first one to stay there are some things the government does that the best TV writers couldn't come up with, but my first question is who is Heather Thomas? And why do people care or listen to actors when they open their dumb mouth? At what point did a starving waiter, Studio City room renting, vintage clothes wearing "actor" know jack squat or think we would care about their opinion?

Sometimes I feel like these actors wanna make some sort of controversial statement to get their name out there. Here are my questions for Ms. Thomas, unless some idiot was dumb enough to marry this crazy b*&%^. Let's hire Osama Bin Laden, who represents Afghanistan and have him put together some attacks on the U.S. so we can in turn attack Iraq, who Bin Laden claimed was not part of 9/11 to get their oil. I would also like to ask where that flight disappared to if it didn't hit the Pentagon. If I recall that 9/11 Pentagon conpisracy video hit the internet years ago, but it seems like Ms. Thomas finally got her internet reconnected since her last paid gig and finally saw it. (According to IMDB she hasn't worked since 1998 in which she played a showgirl in a move called "My Giant") In my humble opinion when I wanna ask your advice it will be about what toppings I should get on my pizza at the California Pizza Kitchen.

UPDATE: I came across some pictures of Heather Thomas and I will say this...When was the last time someone who took pictures like this knew a damn thing about world affairs? On a side note, she wasn't too shabby but the general rule on girls like this are keep your clothes to a minimum and keep your mouth shut.

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